White Elephant Table (WET) Rules (revised Mar 2022)
- All sellers must be a member of the NMRA and the Tidewater Division in good standing with the current MER Membership roster in order to sell items at the White Elephant sale.
- Set up will occur between 9 am and 10 am prior to the meeting starting.
- Sales will be conducted at the conclusion of the meeting until 12 noon.
- Please utilize the tablespace efficiently, as there are limitations to the number of tables available.
- The Tidewater Division will keep 10% of the sales income.
- Each item for sale must have a completed sales slip. A group of items sold as a set may have one sales slip.
- Payout for the sellers will be done only after the end of the sales day.
- Each seller is responsible for retrieving their unsold items at the end of the sale.
- Items must be priced in whole dollar amounts only.
Sales Slip Instructions
- Each sales slip must have your Seller #. This number can be obtained from John Fallon if you don’t have one. Email him at: zzoxdoc@yahoo.com or during setup.
- Item #. Please assign a consecutive number to each slip starting with #1.
- Write a concise description of the item.
- Seller: You must put your name in this space.
- Price: Enter the sales price of this item.
The Clerk and Paymaster will enter this information into a database program in order to track sales and payout information and produce a sales receipt for the seller.